Kalamazoo Public Library/ONEplace

For fifteen years, ONEplace has played a vital role in strengthening the capacity of nonprofit organizations throughout Kalamazoo County. With over 250 local nonprofits participating in programs and services annually, ONEplace serves as a critical resource for supporting skill-building and expanding leadership capabilities that prepare these organizations to maximize their impact.

In the last year, ONEplace supported over 3,400 individuals working or volunteering in the nonprofit sector. Our Core offerings include the ONEplace Emerging Leader Academy, Transformative Leadership Cohort, Workshops, technical assistance and nonprofit resources. Services are offered at no cost to participants thanks to our generous funding partners. The transformative impact of ONEplace’s work is backed by data. A comprehensive two-year evaluation was conducted by Western Michigan University’s Evaluation Center and found that ONEplace’s programs are highly effective and create meaningful impacts for participants.

By investing in nonprofit leadership, equity, governance, operational excellence and overall organizational strength, ONEplace fortifies the Kalamazoo nonprofit ecosystem. Our capacity-building efforts ensure local organizations can deliver maximum value to the communities they serve through effective programs, sustainable operations and cause-driven impact.

For more information, visit: www.kpl.gov/ONEplace