Kairos Dwelling

Kairos Dwelling is a home with a very unique and special purpose. We provide no-cost care in a compassionate and loving environment for terminally ill people and their loved ones.

Established in 2000, we coordinate and provide hospice care for patients and families regardless of life status, station or circumstances, and give priority to those with the greatest needs. We do this relying on dedicated, trained staff and volunteers who provide primary patient care.

We are located on Gull Road in Kalamazoo in a remodeled four-bedroom farmhouse. With community support, we recently completed a capital improvement project designed to increase our effectiveness and efficiency. We identified the need for private space on the ground floor for families and caregivers, and an accessible office for the Executive Director. Our facilities had provided neither.

We sought a private gathering space for families contemplating and preparing for the death of a family member. At any given time, up to four families might be in this process, yet we didn’t have enough space to provide confidentiality and privacy. Our new “family room” is a multi-purpose space that provides for this need and more.

Our new Director’s office on the ground floor improves communication and interaction with patients and families. It also serves to improve patient care and coordination with hospice nurses, medical staff and Kairos staff. Kairos Dwelling is an integral part of our community. With these recently enhanced facilities, we look forward to continuing to provide our unique service to the greater Kalamazoo area.

For more information, visit: www.kairosdwelling.com