Milestone Senior Services

Milestone Senior Services recognizes and promotes the value of aging in place. For more than sixty years, we have provided services that support older adults and adults with disabilities in their choice to remain living at home where they are connected to their family, friends, neighbors and cultural community.

Last year, Milestone served more than 5,500 people with services such as home-delivered meals, home repair and accessibility modifications, managed home health care, and behavioral health assistance. These services directly impact whether people can remain living at home or are forced to relocate to a nursing facility.

Milestone’s capital campaign is addressing much-needed upgrades to our facility and equipment to increase the capacity and cost-effectiveness of our operations and improve overall efficiency. Specifically, we are upgrading kitchen equipment, providing a covered loading dock for the Meals on Wheels program, constructing a home repair workshop, creating a more welcoming entrance and replacing the HVAC system.

People 65 and older are the fastest growing population segment, with an expected increase of 47 percent in the next 30 years. The improvements Milestone is making today will ensure we are positioned to meet our community’s growing need for our vital services.

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